Re: Final Fantasy XV

Er is een nieuwe trailer beschikbaar. Wel, nieuw is een groot woord, het is een upgrade eerder van de Dawn trailer van op Gamescom. Een Dawn 2.0 dus.

Via Facebook krijgen we deze beschrijving:

Noct stands at the very place his father, King Regis, once held him as a boy. Leaning on the Regalia, his father's cherished car, he looks up at a sky as grey and leaden as it was that fateful day. His expression tinged with sadness, Noct silently comes to a resolution.
Lady Lunafreya's eyes glint with hope, her face full of determination. Is it revenge against the empire she seeks, peace among warring nations, or something more? The Dawn Trailer 2.0 builds off of footage shown at GamesCom and PAX Prime to shed light on fragments of the astounding world of FINAL FANTASY XV

Maar er is nog meer, ook via Facebook:

The four companions make their way across the rain-quenched wilderness upon chocobos, the sure-footed birds bearing them nimbly to unspoilt locales that have never known tire tracks. Take the reins and feel pure exhilaration as you dash, jump, and slide as one with your trusty steed.
Noct triumphantly holds up his catch, his companions cheering their approval. They can look forward to a feast tonight at camp, prepared by the ever-versatile Ignis. Set to be a dynamic real-time experience, fishing will provide a fun and relaxing respite from your adventure.

En nog meer:

With a mere wave of her hand, Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae brushes aside the imperial soldiers surrounding her. She accepts her trident from her attendant, and sets off to commune with the gods. As the Oracle, she enjoys the adoration of supporters the world over. What sort of monster could point a gun at such a divine creature?
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Nieuwe info:

During an Active Time Report at TGS today, Square Enix revealed more details regarding Final Fantasy XV's story.

The Report centered around a pair of characters -- Noctis’ father King Regis, and the mysterious Luna. We learned that in order to protect the kingdom of Lucis, King Regis had to erect a magical, protective barrier around the entire nation. But in doing so, the strain of the magic ate away at his body. This weakened state leaves himself, Noctis, and his kingdom vulnerable to the Nifelheim empire, which is pressing forward onto Lucis.

The footage Square showed at Gamescom was a short, emotional look at the bond between King Regis and Noctis. We also learned that the Regalia, the car Noctis and company drive around throughout Episode Duscae and XV proper, was previously owned by his father Regis.

On Luna’s front, she’s in a place called Tenebrae, assuming her status as Oracle. She’s highly revered due to her ability to commune with the gods, as well as the fact that she’s the youngest Oracle ever. Square teased some of Luna’s past, saying that she and Noctis made a promise when they were children, but they weren’t ready to delve into what it was, wanting to keep away from spoilers. Finally, in a piece of Luna art, there’s a black-haired woman standing behind her named Gentiana, who plays an important role in the game.

The Report then switched gears, showcasing footage of Noctis and company riding Chocobos, as well as fishing in one of FFXV’s minigames. The fish you catch can be used for dinner when your crew camps for the night. ... s-revealed

Hier de trailer:

en van ... Socialflow het volgende:

At the Tokyo Game Show today, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata answered a whole bunch of questions about the game. We learned new things! Such as..

- They will not include Japanese and English language voice tracks on the disc, because apparently, they can’t fit both on the physical game. But according to Hajime Tabata, he’s thinking of offering the extra language tracks via download.

- When it rains, the sunroof for Noctis’ car automatically closes.

- Square Enix is considering offering Gilgamesh as DLC.

- There are no Moogles in the game, because they wouldn’t fit in with the game’s atmosphere.

- Chocobos can be rented for ten to thirty days. You will need gil to rent them. While you’ve rented them, you can call them at any time, and they’ll appear.

- Right now, the team is focusing on developing FFXV, incorporating feedback from the Episode Duscae demo, which is why there isn’t a new playable version yet for the public.

- There are quest-like mini-games called “activities.” This include Chocobo races.

- You can’t combo with guns, but you can rapid fire with them.

- Square Enix is considering costume changes for the characters. This might be limited due to the contract with the fashion label who created the characters’ outfits.

- Fishing will have various rod and lure types.

- Square Enix is aiming for a Teen-rating for the game.

- You can pre-set your four weapons and then change them in real time during battle.

- There will be a game mechanic that is similar to Limit Breaks, but it will be called something else.

- You cannot breed or raise Chocobos.

- Chocobo’s dash and jump improve by feeding them while camping.

- You cannot enter every single building in the game.

- FFXV has one new magic spell.

- There is a photo mode.

- It’s possible to level up your cooking skills.

- Tabata said they do want airships, but if Square Enix cannot offer a new experience, players won’t be able to get airships.

- However, Square Enix is currently developing a side-quest with airships. If it doesn’t meet the team’s standards, it will be cut from the game.
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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2de grootste zeurpiet van het jaar 2017
Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Wat info die iets dieper gaat op wat er al gekend is:

Square Enix has revealed more details about the mysterious black-haired woman in Final Fantasy XV who has been shown next to protagonist Lunafreya. Her name is Gentiana, and she plays an "important role" in the game's story.

The details were shared during a presentation at Tokyo Game Show today, which was also streamed live. In addition, director Hajime Tabata also shared story details on Regis, the father of protagonist Noctis.

The events of Final Fantasy XV center around a war in the nation of Niflheim, which has taken control of the world save for one country, Lucis. Noctis and his father Regis reside in Lucis, which has maintained its independence thanks to the crystal it possesses. Regis is the current guardian of the crystal and possesses a power similar to Noctis, being able to conjure weapons out of thin air. Regis uses his power to hold up a shield around Lucis, an act which ages him. Noctis' mother passed away when he was an infant.

The presentation also shed details on female protagonist Lunafreya, an oracle who can speak to the gods. She is the youngest oracle ever, and is betrothed to Noctis. Lunafreya wields a double-sided spear, and will have a scene where she will fight. ... 0-6430725/
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Noctis and Luna share a childhood moment with their dogs in this ‪#‎FFXV‬ concept art. Does the dark one look familiar?
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Na Episode Duscae, de demo van Final Fantasy XV, kreeg Square Enix heel wat feedback om mee aan de slag te gaan en een van de dingen waar wat kritiek op kwam, was het vechtsysteem, onder meer omdat er automatisch werd gewisseld van wapen voor bepaalde aanvallen. Dit is nu blijkbaar aangepast voor de finale versie van de game. Je zal zelf kunnen kiezen wanneer je naar welk wapen overschakelt, al kan je indien gewenst wel nog steeds automatisch bepaalde wapens aan bepaalde soorten aanvallen koppelen. ... Fantasy-XV
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

paveman wrote:Ik kon maar niet in de demo komen... voornamelijk door dat vechtsysteem: het loopt i.m.o. gewoon niet vloeiend.
Heb je nu al demo 2.0 gespeeld?
Ik kan er niet over meespreken want ik heb de demo maar geen PS4...
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

paveman wrote:Geen idee welke versie... Heb m vorige week voor het eerst gespeeld. Maar heb t snel weer laten liggen, omdat ik er totaal niet in kon komen.
Dan zou het kunnen dat je de demo 2.0 versie hebt gespeeld als die tenminste een of andere update ook heeft toegevoegd bij het downloaden of online gaan.

Anyway, wat is er precies dat je niet leuk eraan vindt? De flow van de combat, de input, de snelheid?
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2016
2de grootste zeurpiet van het jaar 2017
Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2

Re: Final Fantasy XV

De flow dus. Loopt voor mij totaal niet vloeiend, zoals bijvoorbeeld Kingdom Hearts. Weet niet wat het precies is, maar heb niet het gevoel dat ik controle over mijn character heb en dat als ik een vijand versla dit meer geluk dan wijsheid is.

Ik heb idd wel alle updates laten installeren, voordat ik begonnen ben. Zal t later wel nog eens weer proberen, maar ben voorlopig verre van overtuigd.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

paveman wrote:De flow dus. Loopt voor mij totaal niet vloeiend, zoals bijvoorbeeld Kingdom Hearts. Weet niet wat het precies is, maar heb niet het gevoel dat ik controle over mijn character heb en dat als ik een vijand versla dit meer geluk dan wijsheid is.

Ik heb idd wel alle updates laten installeren, voordat ik begonnen ben. Zal t later wel nog eens weer proberen, maar ben voorlopig verre van overtuigd.
Voort moment zijn er volgens mij geen nieuwe updates of patches beschikbaar, dus het zal vrees ik zo blijven.
Ik kan dus niet echt meepraten want ik kan die demo niet spelen, maar wat ik al gezien heb via filmpjes laat me toch ook denken dat je hits meer te maken hebben met geluk dan dat je je echt kunt positioneren.
ShAmPi wrote:Hoe geraak je aan die demo?
Die was enkel te krijgen bij een exemplaar van Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2014
Zeurpiet van het jaar 2016
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Comment of the Week houder PS EU blog x2